Friday, January 7, 2011

Best Bed For The Buck

show initiative - action, have courage to overcome fears - The secret of the red line

means showing initiative, again and again and again to tackle and to go his way! But you know it, many people rest on their laurels and past achievements and not even notice the fact that the laurels are in the wrong place. What they achieved everything in the past have, they know it. But the past is not also a grave in which they can dive down and disappear, although they are still alive. The do not know many people.

Many people can tell very accurately and explain what they want all of their future. And many can also tell in great detail and explain how they could achieve these wishes for the future. But for many, it appears that great confidence is there that other people take from them the work.

But how manages to transform our thinking into action, in real Initivative?

Imagine this, please even the following steps:
sitting there where you currently a circle drawn around you, bounded by an invisible red line. Now consider this red line once all this, because it is a magic line that you can not exceed, that keeps you trapped in your circle, held captive in the circle of your habits, your comfort and your well being. Everything is within this circle is known to you, pleasant and yet to secure.
But these are already the only advantages that will give you the inside of this circle. Because there are inside your circle can be no development, no vibrancy, no or little new initiative and therefore little learning and growth. The really exciting country is just outside the circle. Because only wait here for new experiences, new knowledge and new opportunities to be explored. Wait here winning challenges, just waiting that you will accept them if you expect your life more than stagnation.

It prevents you really nobody out of crossing that magical red line. There are no security guards, that prevents you and you in their path. The only obstacle that there is, you yourself and the self-generated fears that it is now overcome.

Make However, it has once something that goes beyond your standard. Something that does not fit into your role, what you would normally never do. Something that no one you expected. And to really to make extraordinary, make it the best in the presence of other people.

Get to know about this way but once your behavior better. As your body and your mind react when you encounter to encounter something new? What feelings you develop as a result? What happens exactly when you cross this red line? And what if you cross them? You have reached again for a new personal record results, for you have deployed more than before!

When crossing the red line, however, are still a few important points to consider:
- What you do is of arbitrary
- There are no restrictions
- There is no timing
- Do it here and now
- Do without the help of other people - Do not do anything - you do it yourself
at the expense of other people and anything that could hurt you

Search now for clever ideas? Or your mind is now looking into the past for such situations and matches in whether a familiar pattern of behavior is repeatable? But there's really anything like it? Probably not - can that not be a solution!

And signaled when there is nothing like it the mind: Do not be in default! And the body reacts immediately. The stress response is set with little adrenaline going. Now you are live and are excited. Voltage has also a good thing, because it calls for caution, attention and vigilance. But the more and more prevalent, the voltage, the more uncertainty is also, with side effects such as wet hands, a red head, red spots on the skin or sweat on the forehead and the desperate attempt to find something decent continues. Since but something would have to be there - you can not do that!
The mind goes through the phases and is now pointing to everything so wrong could run. And probably what others think and say about it? What if they laugh at me?
you can turn and rotate as you want, you always get the same result and that means you can only fool!
And that means turn: Of course you could implement with a certain simplicity and ease slightly in the act, but do you have right now really tired. The best thing is to just make your business as usual and not to act.

However, if you crossed the red line, then you might say, "Man, that was really great and has joy and fun." And you notice that you are relaxed and elated . Feel Because the stress was reduced during your action.

And what does this game now with life?

What about in our daily life with the custodian and the innovator?
If you exceed the daily life really, the red line and take initiatives to get to your destination, you will feel a much greater challenge. Especially when you notice that other people will react to your extraordinary acts.

you will arrive in front of your red line, still guarded and protected within the circle of your habits, and look to the past outside of your district visions and goals that for you have a great importance. And while you think about your initiative and your actions so you will feel tension and excitement. Because your body is put into a wake, with presence and attentive state because you so little is known. That is why so that you can react to what was coming up on you. Surges of adrenaline are preparing your body for a possible action. But not the event itself, but rather your thoughts about your actions and the result is the trigger for this adrenaline.

Our minds, he is also a great help in many situations, keeps us from crossing the red line back often! "Let it rather as it was before you risk it!" is often his message.

Many people think first about the negative consequences to your actions. But it will then just have the courage to take risks, take the courage to be proactive. But the less you have the courage to leave the circle of convenience and habit, the greater the fear of each new challenge. And at some point you just stumble through life with no real drive to grow and to make more of themselves.

How can we pass often take opportunities to try something new? But you can only learn on the other side of the red line. But before many people are afraid. And then come the excuses, once again, why was not done.
But no matter what you say, what you do or how to behave in the future: The red line will remain forever. And this line is only there to be exceeded - we should all see again!

If a man is never willing to go above the red line, what happens then?
If we stop or cross the red line, it costs us in the end the same energy. Because the stress is always there when you stand before the red line. But this energy is converted into action and action as soon as you take the first step. However, if you at the red line stand still, you must find another way to reduce this energy.

And then we come people are often a great idea and rechtzufertigen us or other people to blame in the shoes. The effect is incredibly strong!

you explain why you have not done something that alone are justification. Because in our life can be so all prove somehow. But what justification you use, how much debt you give other people, it's still happening is that you did not go over the red line. And it's also true that they lose self-respect and self-respect and that you thus the full power of life are not given can. Because the power and the responsibility for your life in the hands of other people have laid.

Or is there still a possibility. They simply avoid any action. Watch TV just to do so, which set an example others will: meeting great people and travel around the world.
Distracted by the things in life that would be important. That's wonderful is not it?

doing the other, so to speak with their own vitality. But who is getting worn, forgotten, in time, and is running slow and lazy. But with such a lifestyle you have one major drawback: There's just nothing or very little in your life. And then at some point even this dissatisfaction. But instead of taking his own life in your hands and stand up, then rather more intense gossip about the lives of others, drink or even used drugs.

Some people also avoid things that do not have to change. They are afraid to step into the new, the unknown, do not participate in life or do not feel or sense your own dissatisfaction. Such people will only crawl through life! But this has an advantage: for who can only crawl already do not stumble it! What remains is the stress. Many took refuge in employment. Then they do something, just not to go over this red line and thereby denying, however, any growth and any development.
But all this brings only temporary relief. For the red line is still before them.

But the way the initiative and the action will only have to overcome our self-doubt.

you life but also the risk! It creates new experiences and knowledge! Get out of life what you deserve. Safety, it is only in the past. Present and the future is always risk. Risk is just part of life. The biggest risk to go but only the people a really shy away from any risk.

Have you ever taken the courage to red line pass, this feeling of happiness and every success of this new challenge will make it easier. However, sometimes you have too much anxiety in certain situations and it is not indicated. But then you also respect your discouragement. But do not be deterred from trying it at a next occasion and opportunity to again and again. The more you create it, to cross this red line, the more you live, the more you can build on your success, the more you develop yourself

These red lines but also the true guide in life. They are the ones that will point the way to your visions and goals aligned action. A reward that the Life keeps you ready for the Cross is the red line.

It goes out of the swoon in the power! Only the means growth, personal top results and personal development. Only through this can you expand your field of experience.

experiment yet again with your heart! Do not be afraid of fear! Because if you show initiative and get into action, it is no longer afraid.

Do something and go out of himself! Where the challenge is, there is also the path, a path!
And when you face a red line, there is only one option: show action initiative to do!

Overcome your Self-doubt before the tension in stress, the stress in fear and fear turns into anxiety. get action you, to do, before you show initiative blame, excuses and evasions, the contents of your life.

I wish you a lot of initiative, courage and joy to your future paths!


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