The forsythia - Forsythia x intermedia
The rough beauty of bonsai design
Reiner Vollmari
The forsythia is one of the family of the olive family (Oleacaea) to. The genus Forsythia has nine species that are found mainly in East Asia. Forsythia europaea is from the Southeast European region. The forsythia, which we admire in April as spring flowering bulbs is a hybrid (F. x intermedia), which viridissima has developed from the species F. suspensa and F.. Here I have deliberately called "our native forsythia" omitted. shows exactly the date, namely 1833, when the forsythia came from her native Japan and China to Europe. At that time she was named after the English gardener William Forsyth. Their attractive flowers caused a rapid spread throughout Europe and America.
The forsythia is a shrub that grows to a height of 1.5 to 3 meters. Late March to early May, the forsythia blooms abundantly, even before the leaves. The flower has four sepals, two stamens and four petals are bell-shaped adherent. This has the shrubs also the German name "Gold Bell" is introduced. After pollination the flower forms a fruit capsule.
The leaves of F. x intermedia have a narrow, lanceolate outline and reach a length of 7 - 12 cm. Only in particularly fast-growing shoots are three divided leaves.
The bark of the trunk and branches color varies from light brown to slightly olive tones.
important in shaping the bonsai is to tell the difference, the buds of forsythia. The ocher-colored buds have ever ordered against several bud scales on. In addition to lateral and terminal buds also Beiknospen enrichment and buds are present. Beiknospen are usually arranged slightly below the lateral buds, while enriching buds are in the axils of the stipules. The Beiknospen enrichment and buds are often used to flowering. The flower buds are already created in the late summer of last year. Winter frost can cause the buds do no harm. This is probably for us a very favorable circumstance Bonsai friends. The forsythia has to be suspended in winter temperatures well below freezing, so abundant in the spring bloom. Once the flowers have opened, however, should the forsythia from the risk of late frosts be protected. For in the flower it is very sensitive to frost.
All are in their branches from forsythia no full marks. With F. x intermedia find a useful marker only in the nodes (bud nodes). The internodes are usually hollow, while the crossing points of the nodes have a range of marks. The branches are square

bud mutations of Forsythia x intermedia. Left a normal leaf. The right blade shape to the most driven shoots. In the bonsai design dreigelappte leaf shapes come very rarely. You would hardly even use, because during these leaves very long internodes.

In all the books indicated that forsythia reach a height of 1.5 to 3 meters. In a protected location, they can also be six feet high.
The forsythia loves full sun. Even if they shade also gets along well, the bonsai friend noticed a full sun location, a beautiful flower and leaf color.
The shrub is tolerant ground. This means that he gets along well with all types of surfaces when the humidity is right.
The forsythia is in all parts slightly toxic. However, one has already a large amount of leaves, flowers and wood eat before they cause discomfort to severe nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. While the shrub is planted exclusively in Europe as an ornamental plant, the Chinese won fruits of F. suspensa acting antibacterial and fungicide. These are used in inflammation, fever and poisoning.
diseases occur in the forsythia extremely rare. In rare cases (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) to branch death. This is a fungal disease that can affect many others besides the forsythia shrubs. This fungus penetrates the bark, and it comes very quickly to the death of the cortex. It is believed that the infection is on the flowers, because one could observe that the first infection usually occurs at the flowering nodes. It has yet to make any major concern. An infected drives the forsythia bush quickly below the affected areas again. Thus, the damage is limited.
form in the dead bark is called sclerotia. If you cut this, it can be seen under a black crust, a bright mycelium. This form apothecia, which in turn develop ascospores, which are damaging to the host plant on.
so it is important to remove if found, all dead branches immediately.
As other disease can only be called root rot. This is the bonsai friend but most of themselves in debt because he then used an inappropriate plant substrate.
Meanwhile, there are many different cultivars of the forsythia. These are mostly cultivars of F. x intermedia. They vary but usually only on the flower color. So there are very strong, dark yellows or more pale colors.
The nurseries provide as even a large selection. Actually you need but no nursery to come to beautiful specimens of forsythia. Everywhere wild bushes are found. Leaving aside a very nice Flower color, you simply cut a few cuttings and already one has in a short time, many new Forsythiensträucher possession.
Of the pure species, particularly the Chinese Hängeforsythie (F. suspensa) interesting. As a bonsai can be shaped into a weeping willow good shape. There are also different hybrids on the market, and F. spectabilis x should be very interesting. This hybrid brings large flowers have a beautiful yellow-orange color.
The unpopular foreign
the end of the tree portraits I like to make also some critical voices. If you have a Forsythia have, they will surely have already noticed that this shrub is completely ignored by all insects. This has the simple reason that the shrub does not belong here, he is a stranger. No bee can be found in the honey, even aphids disdain the forsythia. No caterpillar eats the leaves and twig blight mentioned above is also found in their original location. Here in Europe it is immune to most diseases. Even though the forsythia has made its way over almost the whole earth, this increase is actually being called not good. It displaces native flowers and shrubs, birds find food in their branches, ecologically, it has in our region is absolutely no value. In the selection of my trees, I actually always look after, that there are varieties that can be called home. The exceptions make as Acer palmatum, and Forsythia. Especially the forsythia has indeed because of these reasons, a very good condition for bonsai design.
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