This is the continuation of the "infinite Forsythiengeschichte" related HERE .
This article is published in "Bonsai" output 123 appeared.

By Reiner Vollmari
the story one of the forsythia is already very long. For 22 years I take care of this tree, and have since then always have to make repairs at her home.
The Club Issue 92, from the year 2001, I reported before about the forsythia, whose story I would like to talk further.
1986 I got the forsythia in my possession. It did provoke a few years until I have the current form by different pruning techniques had. The problem has always been the dead wood that emanated from Wuzelansatz. This wound was from the outset in the trees and was extended to me over the whole tribe. In the early years, no one got Jinmittel buy. At that time I preserved the wood with citric acid, which offered no protection but in the long run. As soon as repair work on the dead wood was necessary. At the foot of the trunk, I built a prosthesis made of yew wood, which was fortified with fiber filler and a wooden dowel. Thus the lower portion preserved over a longer period of time. Is that wood is very soft and the forsythia is decomposed over the years more and more. This also happens when the wood is well protected and does not rot.
were so replace again wood parts and Stammshari gradually lost its natural look.

The forsythia in March 1993. With this picture I was with the winners of a competition readers of the magazine "Bonsai workshop practice.

1995 was rotting the trunk base and was repaired with a yew wood.

A replay of 1998. Until then, some more repair work on the dead wood was necessary.
in 2002 sparked a high proportion of the lower timber. Apply through the years of the Jinmittel had a right calcareous on the wood formed, similar to an eggshell. This broke earlier this year and it trickled powder dry wood dust from the trunk. One needed only to blow and the lower trunk area had become hollow. The whole was then once again completely filled with glass fiber filler and sanded into shape. Now, this repair work was very visible.
The tree had earned me many awards and there were very reluctant to separate from him. He was a kind of "charity" on my bonsai shelf. He was no longer have to show, but he was very dear to my heart than I could as easily part with it.
So the tree was a further three years on the shelf. In that time, the remaining wood was always unsightly. But the forsythia also showed me more that it was not the end. So beautiful, as in these three years she had never bloomed before. Therefore, I wanted to give up and neither did not know how I could lead to new glory.
In spring 2005, then broke a large piece of wood on the trunk foot away. This area has always been the tree and its stability. Now the tree was unstable and in danger of it all umbrach.
There was this dead wood area now save more by not Anflick other pieces of wood, I milled the remaining dead wood in the bottom third of strain completely. Only a small remnant healthy wood stopped and the trunk was in places only 5 mm thick. Thus, the forsythia umbrach not now, I put them on a chopstick. Thus, the tree remained the whole year and I did not want to know what to do with him now.
early 2006, I then removed all the dead wood, to the tip of the tree. I had just realized that I did not want to re-make patchwork and wood of another species I wanted to not use it again.
order for the remaining rotten wood but could not, I sealed it with complete two-component resin. The resin was applied until a thick layer covering the wood. Thus the tree well protected and the subsequent Flowering was particularly beautiful. The tree asked me to well, to make me more worried about his future.
proper calcium shell formed on the wood, like an eggshell. This broke earlier this year and it trickled powder dry wood dust from the trunk. One needed only to blow and the lower trunk area had become hollow. The whole was then once again completely filled with glass fiber filler and sanded into shape. Now, this repair work was very visible.
The tree had earned me many awards and there were very reluctant to separate from him. He was a kind of "charity" on my bonsai shelf. He was no longer have to show, but He was very close to my heart than I could as easily part with it.
So the tree was a further three years on the shelf. In that time, the remaining wood was always unsightly. But the forsythia also showed me more that it was not the end. So beautiful, as in these three years she had never bloomed before. Therefore, I wanted to give up and neither did not know how I could lead to new glory.
In spring 2005, then broke a large piece of wood on the trunk foot away. This area has always been the tree and its stability. Now the tree was unstable and in danger of it all umbrach.
Since this Deadwood area was now no longer save Anflick other pieces of wood, I milled the remaining dead wood in the bottom third of strain completely. Only a small remnant of healthy wood stopped and the trunk was in places only 5 mm thick. Thus, the forsythia umbrach not now, I put them on a chopstick. Thus, the tree remained the whole year and I did not want to know what to do with him now.
early 2006, I then removed all the dead wood, to the tip of the tree. I had just realized that I did not want to re-make patchwork and wood of another species I wanted to not use it again.
order for the remaining rotten wood but could not, I sealed totally in two-component resin. The resin was applied until a thick layer covering the wood. So the tree was well protected and the subsequent flowering was particularly beautiful. The tree asked me to well, to make me more worried about his future.

The lower trunk area is broken away. Thus, the forsythia was unstable and not fixed to their roots.

Here you can see that the entire lower area consisted only of filler. The remaining wood was soft.

After milling. The strain was extremely thin and threatened to break.

A chopstick was anchored to the tree for the rest of the year containing enough. It was a temporary stopgap.

2006 that is full of dead wood I removed the top of the tree. Only a very thin layer of solid wood was left.

Two component resin and wood is protected from further decay.

Before the subsequent re-potting the forsythia bloomed again very beautiful.
A new beginning
As I remembered a conversation I had with Michael Tigges on the long drive to Sakka Ten 2004th As we talked about how it would be well received if you were on a tree or a Jin-Sharibereich not make one of wood, but it would take to polished metal. That would fit in the tree, so that everything would seem natural overgrown. Would that be art? The interview went so far that we found out that there are many people indeed be very helpful feel when broken joints were replaced by titanium implants. So this does indeed sometimes even for animals.
Now I had a tree that could not stand alone. The dead wood area had to be replaced. The forsythia should now be a Tanuki.
So I talked to Michael Tigges and he remembered also equal in our previous conversation. So he took the tree to have to think about whether a replacement of metal stem is at all feasible. First thoughts went in the direction of a bronze casting. But that would become very difficult since then Michael would have only a mold of the tribe must make.
called a few weeks later Michael has to tell me that he wanted to form a titanium piece as a root replacement.
Now I saw for the rest of the year, not the forsythia. Michael had done an incredible job. Who knows titanium, knows that it is the hardest metal of all. By normal means it can be shaped not as good as cooked. to make
To the best bending of the trunk, Michael had the titanium heat initially to about 1200 ° C. Only then he could bend it with the hammer a few millimeters. The subsequent grinding of the titanium lasted a long time and spent a huge amount of grinding wheels. Michael has fitted the titanium piece very accurately. This is all done by hand and shows clearly Michaels masterful talent for handling such materials.
No one else could have done this work for me or would have applied the stamina to do so.
the end of 2007, Michael came to the tree to visit. You can be sure that I fell off the jaw when I saw the first intermediate result.
It was immediately clear that the new strain should not remain neutral in color. With the help of a welding torch can be colored any metal. Depending on the heat to reach such a hue from yellow to red to blue and finally a gray. Michael had colored in a first experiment, the titanium blue.
We thought very long time whether we should not be changed. The effect is very extreme, but just the contrary of the tribe colors gives this design its inimitable effect.
tried on my request, but Michael also to color the stem red. The red color is very difficult to achieve. The precise amount of heat can be achieved with a little torch. So Michael was once again a great effort, the strain in a very intense blue to color. He succeeded very well.
In the spring of 2008, he then brought the tree to me. The many faults of the past year, the tree bloomed only moderate, was but still very healthy.
Now the forsythia should still get a bowl that already achieved worthy should emphasize.
There was only one shell in question. This bowl I had for some years now in my possession. Horst Reiter pottery Heinzl them. This bowl is glazed in an orange tone, with many shades in the black. To get this color, several steps are necessary, which are to remain secret but Horst Heinzl rider.
Because this shell color the bloom of forsythia, and wonderful highlights of course, because they produce is just as difficult as it was made for the forsythia.

The newly formed titanium stem in a first-pass sample. The metallic color was still not complete, and was later improved again.

After repotting. The bloom is due to the many behavioral disturbances of the last time something.

deep frost and deep snow in winter. You could live my titanium stem. He constantly shows other colors.
Now the question remains open, we should do something like this and what has yet to do with bonsai?
you should know, this is no longer my forsythia forsythia. At least she no longer belongs to me alone. Just as it is now, it is as Michael Tigges work.
Michael Tigges has as craftsman in the past, also exhibits its own bronze sculptures made in a gallery. So he is an artist. When this forsythia our visions have come together. For me, it would have remained just a vision. Michael is the man that this vision could be a face.
forsythia is out of this now become art? The design of the forsythia, as long as I designed it was not art. At best, was the Bonsai contemporary design. What Michael Tigges has now formed from the fact that art is. I say this because you can see only when you look at the real tree. Your eye can not identify the seen first. Seems strange to this entity. They are forced to put up with this issue. Be it one, you see a bonsai of the maturity shows. Actually, everything fits together well, but the blue. This blue titanium really confuses the viewer. So far I have issued the forsythia after the redesign twice. She was always a big topic of conversation. People are puzzled, from which this strain has been made. That was very exciting for us, if asked people how just glass shaped so get that you can fit it into a tree.
It was always been a mystery what this tribe is and what it was made.
Then you could see that this tree the people are very polarized. One part is very enthusiastic and be enchanted by the mysterious appearance, while others reject the forsythia and generally have difficulty understanding such a design to bring contrary.
I should like to call the scoring at the NRW-bonsai-days as an example. This forsythia I have to be issued before the redesign twice at the NRW-bonsai days. Both times I got a prize from the jury. Now I just wanted to where the tree in its new form will present the first time. The disappointment was great, we were punished with 30 points deduction, to the last assessment, almost.
Please understand this is not as critical of our assessors, they were doing their job to the best of my knowledge. It just shows how polarized the tree now.
The forum of the international Internet Bonsai Club "I showed the tree then too. There, the reactions were very positive. On another issue Walter Pall had made a tree meeting. There he also discussed the forsythia. In the "Internet Bonsai Club" he wrote,
"In my public tree I said that this critique will go into reverse tanuki bonsai history. I said that it is not only extremely interesting but that is a good looking bonsai by now. With the stand that I could see Reiner made it on the Gingko Award if it passes the judges. If I were the judge, I would take it .. "
Whether art or not, bonsai or not, everyone must decide for themselves. Another design like this we will not do. This forsythia will remain unique. Also like everyone to think differently about it, has won the work paid off at this forsythia. You get people talking and that is a goal, which we wanted to achieve.

autumn colors. Also fits perfectly with the color of skin.
This image is the cover of the magazine "Bonsai" 123rd edition

ind Please click image and see it magnified itself. This is a HDR image. A Fotografiertechnik the three frames and consists of each image are the areas with the best drawing offset and added to the composition.

The forsythia on a small table. that I built for exhibitions. Again, you can click the image to a larger View get.
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