How it started with the trees, you can read here .
In June 2010, was it time to de-wiring the tree. First wires were already überwallt. The first design of the Kaskadenastes told me not to and they should now be further reduced. In the bottom of the cascade was too much green and the tree seemed very unnatural.

The front view in the summer of 2010. The new growth was very healthy and there have been no problems after the hard bending action.

The rear view. The image is already become a little clearer.

The tree was entdrahtet and all dressings were removed. The Kaskadenast Kronenast and had not maintained their position and then very quickly lost their provocative shape. A Neueindrahten was inevitable.

The rear view, the de-wiring. In the thinner branches, the wire traces are clearly visible.

So, here is the area that bothered me, already been removed. The cascade will hang after a new wires not as deep and close to the edge of the shell. Also, the needle is green now better distributed.

end of September was made of the tree again. The thicker Branches of the crown and cascade did not need more support tape. They could be relatively easy to bring back to their old form. The Kronenbelaubung after a year has already improved so much that maybe in the summer of 2011, "Füllast" can be removed. He also was here already reduced by half. The aim will be to get the Kronenast yet branched to two thirds shorter and more dense. Then, this spiral in the top of the tree will be removed.
The "pigtails" is still there. It is now gejint with fire and bent in a different form was. Eventually, it will eventually be removed. I would like to think a little. Only
little reminiscent of the original form of this ugly little tree. If this little pine has grown in maturity, they will get even an exactly matching pot. My friend Erwin Grzesinski because now makes wonderful things out of clay.
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