This year was a bad year for me. A disease has evolved, in addition to the everyday things that I could no longer maintain my trees in the usual dimensions. The winter 2009/2010 was particularly harsh. There were also very unfavorable weather conditions. So not only I but also many other bonsai friends, some with heavy losses on their trees had to be done. With me survived three beautiful pine trees do not. Including the tree that I had described in "A thing to overcome."
Nevertheless, I tried, of course, when ever I could to develop further my trees. That gave the possibility pleasing results, I would like to show here now.

my maple in the spring I had reduced by one third. He gradually lost his fine branching, which made a shortening of all branches necessary. The pruning of the tree has done well and he became again very positive.
The development of the tree in this Article described.

My forsythia on rock has evolved well and has a rather impressive fine branching. This fall, she was very beautiful colors.
The development of the tree can be read here .

The foliage of my Taxus cuspidata has also performed very well on. It is currently wired to the smallest drive. A deficiency still remains the root ball. For next year I hope to be able to reduce it further so that the root approach can be made a lot flatter. to
The development, from the beginning, one finds .

Very dense, with far too long needles to show my Austrian black pine. If you were white but the material from which the tree is, one has a clue about the design capacity of these lovely pine species.
The history of this "impossible jaw" can be read here .

This larch I have not been described in this blog. I designed it together with Ralf Steiner at a workshop in our group. It has also developed very positively. Actually I want to completely alter because some branches of the state "a lie" is (branches were wired from the left to the right side and vice versa). But the plan now has to wait until then and once the tree is further refined.

Another larch, which I have not yet presented here. This is such a small tree where it is not known whether the design or maybe choose to plant in the forest. It is on a very long, previously too thin, Root. Over time, the root, however, has developed very positively and the little larch now offers a beautiful picture of this natural stone bowl.
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